Thursday, August 22, 2013


         Scaffolding in simple words is giving support or building a foundation to the young ones. A way of teaching and developing your student learnings and abilities. In mean time when they learn, the teacher should let them learn on their own way.

                  Scaffolding is like a foundation that gives support  in a building. In learning process this helps the learner figure out new things and tasks on their own ways.A teacher has a very important task in scaffolding he should know when and how letting the learner can stand and hand on their own. Teachers help the students master a task or a concept by providing a support and also giving his assistance with the skills beyond the students capability .    
Ladder-Scaffolding                            Lev Vygotsky define scaffolding as the role of teachers and others in supporting the learner's development and providing support structures to get to that next stage or level. This means that when the role of teacher is done and finally the learner is able to master the things independently the role of a teacher gradually reduces the support and let the student explore and learn by their own.